
The idea for the prototype came from Rovaniemi based company Kalasydän Oy. The entrepreneur wanted to create a solution for fish recognition system for the Kalasydän process. The goal for the prototype was to help the system to be more automatized and therefore save energy as the process would only start when there is a fish waiting to be lifted.

Prototyped solution

While the fish swim’s into the Kalasydän’s system, the data is collected by photographing the fish. The data is then sent for analysis and the process to lift the fish safely over the dam starts.

Fish recognition system recognizes the fishes that swim into the process and sends the information onwards. Based on the information the Kalasydän’s lifting process starts and the waterflow lifts the fish over the dam. Controlled process saves energy and collected data is used to create statistics about the fishes.

Casing was made out of thick clear acryl and is designed to be modular part of the Kalasydän system. The high water pressure in the lifting process demands strong and durable materials.

The making of fish recognition system to Kalasydän

The Kalasydän’s fish recognition system prototype is part of testing TEQU’s innovating process and was funded by ERDF funding granted by the Regional Council of Lapland.