The need for the prototype came from Rovaniemi based company Happy Fox. The entrepreneurs wanted to create a solution to keep avanto open easily and energy efficiently. The emerging problem were that in order to keep the avanto open it required loads of active work and consumed enormous amount of energy as the open water needed to be kept in motion. The entrepreneurs needed help especially with the energy consumption problem.
The problem itself is relevant for many companies that offer and produce exotic finnish experiences for locals and tourists. Avanto is a finnish word for a hole in ice, which enables swimming during winter. The experience has long traditions in Finland and can be so unique and memorable it gives you shivers for years to pass!
Main problem to keep the avanto open energy efficiently was the main driver for the prototype, but by knowing TEQU, we always want to addup the game. Creating memorable experiences and beautiful prototypes, we bring out the lappish mentality and share the magic with the companies!
Prototyped solution
Basic idea for the prototype is to use isolating structure to cover the avanto made in advance. Prototype measures the temperature of the air left between water and prototypes insulating covers. If the temperature reaches freezing point Avanto automatically starts the heating process. This way it keeps the avanto open and consumes energy only when it’s needed.
The main parts of the prototype:
- Heated hull
- Two insulating covers
- Handmade throw
- Awesome lights
- Heated Hull is made out of durable PE-plastic. Hollow structure allows it to float and added insulation inside provides energy efficient solution to keep avanto from freezing. Heating elements are located safely inside the hull.
- Insulating covers are to close the open avanto and keep the state stable as possible. They provide insulation and safety. They are equipped with wireless sensors that measure the inside condition and send vital data so that the prototype can function correctly and process can be monitored.
- Handmade throw covers the Avanto during snowfalls and breaks wind. It gives a nice lappish touch for the prototype.
- Awesome smart lights create imaginative atmosphere as you’d be enjoying magical northern lights during the ice bath! They can be programmed as wanted, for example to visualize the condition of the avanto or react weather changes.
The Making of the Avanto
The Avanto prototype is part of e-Sprint, a public development project aiming to boost local entrepreneurship. e-Sprint is managed by Lapland University of Applied Sciences and it has an ERDF funding granted by the Regional Council of Lapland.